224,220 rights (34.49%) of Universal Properties REIT changed hands in 5 transactions today. The minimum price was 0.15 leva and the maximum 0.40 leva.

Rights will be traded on BSE through 24 September (Monday), and the auction for the unused rights will be held October 3.

The deadline for subscription of shares from the capital increase is October 18.

The company is increasing capital from 650,000 leva (332,339 euros) to 6.45 mln leva (3.297 mln euros) via the issuance of of 650,000 rights. Each right entitles to the subscription of 9 shares at a face and issue value of 1 lev.

The last transaction on the BSE involving the company's stock was made September 4 at 30 leva/share.