33,777 shares of Billboard Jsc changed hands during the very first minutes of trade on BSE. There have been 71 transactions so farm turnover recahed 284,740 leva.

The lowest price so far has been 8.02 leva, and the maximum was as high as 9.10 leva.

The company filed an IPO incresaing capital from 6 to 7.5 mln leva (3.834 mln euros).

1.5 mln shares were allocated at 7.30 leva, the price was determined via the book-building method.

The IPO proceeds came to nearly 11 mln leva (5.624 mln euros).

According to the company's unaudited report, 2007 net non-consolidated sales revenues top 15.9 mln leva (8.129 mln euros), which is 74% up from 2006.

The company expects 2007 net non-consolidated profit to come to 4.7 mln leva (2.40 mln euros), compared with 1.5 mln leva in 2006. According to non-consolidated data, at the end of 2007 assets stood at 33 mln leva (16.87 mln euros), and own capital amounted tot 21.6 mln leva (11.04 mlne euros).