Aktiv Properties REIT-Plovdiv convenes general shareholders’ meeting (GMS) on 6 June. Shareholders are expected to discuss the allocation of 98.90% of the company’s 2006 profit for dividends, BSE reported on its website.

If the proposal wins the approval of the shareholders, each of them will receive 0.028 leva/share or 552,000 leva total.

The last date for transacting shares of this company on the BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the holder will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, is 21 May 2007.

In March the trust successfully increased its capital from 5.2 mln leva to 20.8 mln leva accumulating 21.792 mln leva.

No transactions on this position were made today. Bids and asks were at 1.54/1.57 leva/share.