Pensions granted before June 30, 2007 will be increased by 10 per cent as of October 1,
Parliament decided Friday, passing on second reading a bill amending the 2007 Public Social Insurance Budget Act.

From October 1 to December 31, 2007, the minimum pension for contributory experience and age is increased from 93.50 leva to 102.85 leva.

Also from October 1, 2007 insurance contributions will drop by three percentage points, respectively for the Pensions Fund - from 23 per cent to 22 per cent for those born before January 1, 1960, from 18 to 17 per cent for those born after December 31, 1959.

Contributions to the Unemployment Fund will also drop by two percentage points - from 3 to 1 per cent.

Parliament rejected the motion of Antonela Poneva and Vesselin Metodiev of Democrats for Strong Bulgaria to raise the pensions by 40 leva for each retired person, bringing the minimum
pensions to 133.50 leva.

Another motion that was rejected came from the United Democratic Forces - to reduce insurance contributions for the Pensions Fund by six percentage points.