126,882 rights of Chimimport changed hands on the last day of trade with them on BSE. The price has added 26.09% to an average of 0.87 leva during the period. The average price on the first day of trade was 0.45 leva.

Today the price ranged between 0.7 leva and 0.959 leva. Daily turnover stood at 11,726 leva and the number of transactions at 170.

A total of 1,089,961 from the 130 mln issued rights have changed hands since September 10. Total turnover amounted to 689,154 leva, and the number of transactions stood at 1,346.

The auction for the unused rights will be held October 2.

Chimimport will increase capital from 130 mln leva (66.467 mln euros) to 150 mln leva (76.693 mln euros) via the issunace of 20 mln new shares. 6.5 rights entitle to the subscription of 1 new share at 11 leva.

The company's stock added 5.82% to an average of 16.90 leva on the BSE today.