The rights issued by Industrial Holding Bulgaria (

) and entitling to subscription of shares from the company's capital increase will be traded on the BSE between October 29 and November 9.

Three rights entitle to the subscription of two new shares at an issue value of 2.40 leva/share. The code assigned to the issue is R2IHBL.

Unused rights will be offered at an auction during the trade session on November 20, and the deadline for subscribing shares from the capital increase is December 5.

Underwriter is First Financial Brokerage House (FFBH) and the bank accounted is opened in CB Alliance Bulgaria.

Industrial Holding Bulgaria will increase capital from 26.254 mln leva (13.423 mln euros) to 43.757 mln leva (22.372 mln euros) via issue of up to 17.503 mln new shares. The capital will be increased only on condition that at least 15 mln new shares are subscribed and paid.

Shares were traded at levels between 15.00 and 15.498 leva today.