The IPO price of shares of Zarneni Hrani has been set at 4.5 leva. This price was determined by selling investors and is based on demand from foreign investors, CCB announced.

15% if the capital is allocated among local investors, oversubscription is 2.52 times. 10% was allotted to foreign investors,oversubscription on this segment is 1.53 times. All limit orders below 4.5 leva have not been satisfied.

Investment intermediaries will receive information on shares allotment and trade with the stock will start on BSE on December 17.

The company offered up to 25,617,940 common shares, the underwriter had the option to offer an additional 17,078,560 shares.

The issue will be floated on BSE on Monday, December 17. Its value stands at 170,785,600 leva (87.321 mln euros) allocated in as many shares with a face value of 1 lev. The stock has been registered for trade on the Unofficial Market of Equities, Segment A under the code ZHBG.

Zarneni Hrani's core activity is on the market of grain and oil-bearing seeds, the company produces vegetable oils as well. It controls grain depots, a refinery and is currently in the process of constructing an installation for biodiesel production.

Main shareholder is Chimimport, controlling 53.96% of the capital directly and a total of 66% together with shares held via related parties (including POAD CCB Sila and POAD CCB Saglasie).