150,000 shares, or 23.07% of the capital of Hyundai Properties REIT changed hands in one transaction on a block segment at 1.133 leva, BSE reports.

The stock was purchased by principal shareholder Industrial Commerce Ltd, the seller is DF Sentinel – Principal. The total value of the transaction stands at 169 950.00 leva (86,894 euros).

Industrial Commerce thus increases its share in the company's capital to 76.916%, shows profit.bg data.

Hyundai Properties Bulgaria is planning to include in its portfolio 4 operating, sales and service centers of Hyundai ( two in Sofia – in Darvenitsa area and Lyulin area, and one in Plovdiv and Burgas), as well as two others – in Blagoevgrad and Sandanski, which are still under construction.

The fund will also purchase Hyundai Business Center, the main distribution office of Hyundai, situated on Sofia Ring Road.

Currently on the BSE there is a bid at 6.00 leva on the position, no asks are announced.