By end-January government and government guaranteed debt totaled EUR 6195.9 million nominal value, including domestic debt of EUR 1492.7 million and external debt of EUR 4703.2 million. The decrease in nominal terms came to some EUR 1 million on the previous month due mainly to payments executed during the period under review, according to government report.

By end-January the debt to GDP ratio was 23.7 per cent, falling by 1.9 percentage points on end-December level. The values of this indicator for domestic debt and external debt accounted for 5.7 per cent and 18 per cent respectively.

Domestic debt occupied 24.1 per cent and external debt 75.9 per cent in the debt. The debt currency structure experienced certain changes due to effected repayments. By end-January debt in US dollars reached 21.2 per cent, in euro 52.6 per cent, in levs 17.7 per cent and in other currencies 8.6 per cent.

In the structure of external debt by type of creditor other bonds (global bonds and eurobonds) occupied the largest share, totaling 33.4 per cent, followed by domestic debt (government securities) 24.1 per cent, obligations to the World Bank 12.7 per cent, on government investment loans 9.4 per cent and on government guaranteed debt 9 per cent.

By end-January debt intrest structure also experienced changes, indicating an increase in the debt with fixed interest rates to 66.4 per cent. Debt with floating interest rates comprised 33.6 per cent.

Since early-2007 payments on government and government guaranteed debt have totaled BGN 382.3 million including domestic debt payments of BGN 162.2 million and external debt payments of BGN 220.1 million. In January payments on bonds and on government investment loans occupied the largest shares. Domestic debt payments were effected mainly on government securities.

Payments in levs (BGN 162.2 million) dominated the currency structure of debt payments, followed by payments in euro (recalculated in levs: BGN 128.1 million) and in US dollars (BGN 90 million).