Energetics & Energy Savings Fund SPV GMS to Vote a Gross Dividend of 0.18 Leva/Share
Energetics & Energy Savings Fund SPV-Sofia will hold a general meeting of its shareholders (GMS) on 22 June 2007 which is expected to vote a proposal to distribute a gross dividend of 0.18 leva/share, BSE announced.
90% of the company’s 130,000 leva profit in 2006 or 117,000 leva will be allocated as dividends.
Under the proposal 9,880 leva of the remaining 13,000 leva will be used to pay the remuneration of the servicing company, and 3,120 leva will be allocated to the “Reserves” fund.
In case no quorum is present at the meeting, it is to be rescheduled for 6 July 2007 at 10.00h, same place, same agenda.
The final date for transacting the shares of the company as a result of which the holder will be able to exercise their voting rights at the forthcoming General Meeting is 6 June 2007.
50 shares of the company changed hands today at 2.62 leva/share.