FX Studio Ltd Controls 93.20% of the capital of SII Properties REIT
FX Studio Ltd currently owns 93.20% of the capital of SII Properties REIT, BSE data shows. Another 5.07% are owned by Nide City Corp Ltd.
On May 28 FX Studio acquired 488,833 shares of SII Properties REIT at 1.358 leva/share. The sellers of the stock were BK Investment Ltd (288,833 shares) and Tracy's Ltd (200,000 shares).
On the next day Riton AD-Sofia sold its stake - 150,000 shares to FX Studio (117,000 shares) and Nide City Corp (33,000 shares).
The last transaction involving the company's stock was on July 4 at 1.77 leva per share. At the moment bids are at 1.45 leva and asks at 1.80 leva per share.