The auction for the unsubscribed rights from the capital increase of Agro Finance REIT-Sofia will take place on 17 April 2007 (Tuesday), BSE-Sofia announced.

The total number of the unused rights is 134,061. Each right allows the subscription of 55 of the trust’s new shares at a nominal price of 1.00 leva and issue price of 1.10 lev/each.

Agro Finance REIT plans to increase its capital from 650,000 leva to 36.4 mln leva. The accumulated 39.325 mln leva will be used to buy agricultural land and to repay two bank credit lines.

22 transactions invloving 508,910 shares (78.29% of the total issued rights) of Agro Finance REIT were made during the trade in the fund’s rights on the secondary market.

Shares of Agro Finance REIT were last traded at 1.15 leva/share.