BSE-Sofia Turnover at 85.936 Million Leva Last Week
Shares worth a total of 85.936 mln leva or 17.187 mln leva a day were traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange between 7 and 11 May 2007, statistics showed.
A total of 5,344 transactions or 1,069 transactions a day were made in the period.
The highest daily turnover was registered on Tuesday (24,823 mln leva), and the lowest – on Thursday, when shares worth 9.398 mln leva were traded.
The smallest number of transactions was made on Thursday (966), and the highest – the next day (1,193).
Last week SOFIX went up 0.96% to 1,255.79 points, while BG40 added 1.95% to 250.05 points.