Bulgaria’s Former Prime Minister: The Coalition Is Not Falling Apart
“We hear so often the coalition is shaking and falling apart, as though people want it to fall apart. The opposite would be normal”, Simeon Sax Cobourg-Gotha said in an interview for Nova TV commenting speculations that NDSV might leave the coalition if the “Ovcharov-Alexandrov” scandal gets deeper.
“Scandals are not among the most constructive exercises. Do you think that this scandal would matter for the Bulgarian society at all in 10-20 years?”, Bulgaria’s former prime-minister asked.
He added what was important was a maximum number of Bulgarian voters to understand the importance of their vote in the forthcoming EU elections.
Sax Cobourg-Gotha said Bulgaria needed stability because “economy needs political stability”.
According to him the triple coalition is an unusual thing for Bulgaria, but is normal in other countries, and Bulgarian society “should get used to actual political coalitions”.
The former prime minister forecast results in the forthcoming elections would hardly change the formula 3:5:8 in the three-party coalition, although any formula can be changed.