All Rights of HBG REIT Transferred At 3.66 Leva Today
At the auction held today on BSE all 150 000 rights of HGB REIT-Varna changed hands in three transactions at 3.66 leva each.
The total amount raised in the auction is 549 000 leva. Secondary trade with the rights will continue till June 12 (Tuesday) under the code R2HBGF.
The final date for subscription of shares from the capital increase is July 6. IP Zagora Fnarcorp is the bourse member authorized to service the capital increase and the account will be opened in CB Reiffeisen Bank Bulgaria EAD.
HBG REIT is planning to build a commercial complex hosting cafes, offices and apartments in Sofia, the area of Studentski Grad, the company's prospectus reveals.
The total built-up area will be 8 870 sqm and the project is estimated to cost some 7 mln leva.
The companies which founded HBG REIT are DF Standard Invesment Fund, controlled by UD Standard Asset Management AD which owns 30% of HBG's capital and Area Ltd and July Ltd with 35% each.