Capman Mutual Funds Manage Assets Worth More Than 30 mln leva
The last calculations of the net value of the assets of the mutual funds, managed by Capman Group show that they amount to more than 30 mln leva. The increase is due to the increase in the value of the portfolios of the fund and the growing number of subscriptions in them.
The management of the company is expecting assets managed by the group to grow by higher than the average and to reach 45-50 mln leva till the end of the year.
The fund managers of Capman Capital and Capman Max are actively managing their well diversified portfolios. All regulations are being followed as well as internal procedures and regulations on the limits of the positions in certain stocks.
The main rule in the structuring of the portfolios is achieving the best proportion between risk and profitability. The selection of companies with growth potential higher than the average is essential.
Capman Capital is an investment company of an open type. It started operation on September 28, 2004. The fund is the leader among the balanced collective investment schemes in the country for the past two years. Capman Capital's returns rate is as follows: +21.61% in 2005, +50.59% in 2006. Since the beginning of the year the fund has realised +18.23%.
The balanced fund's assets currently stand at 10.9 mln leva and are allocated as follows: 44.32% invested in the stock of Bulgarian companies, 19.25% in corporate bonds, 9.06% in government securities, 2.57% in REITs, 4.82% in other investment companies or funds and operating funds represent 19.97% of all assets.
Capman Max is the second collective investment scheme of Capman Financial Group. The fund started operation on 5 January, 2006 and quickly gained leading position on the Bulgarian Market.
In 2006 Capman Max realised the record +100.10%. As of January 2007 the fund's profitability is 33.17%.
Towards 6 June, 2007 the assets of Capman Max stand at 19.7 mln leva. The fund's portfolio is mainly focused on shares: 66.04%, 6.81% invested in REITs, 1.42% in other types of funds and oparating funds and their equivalents amount to 25.72%.
Recently Capman Financial Group in cooperation with leasing company General Leasing AD are offering financing to clients having purchased or willing to purchase shares/stakes in the mutual funds of the group – investment copmany Capman Capital and Capman Max Fund.
The offer is aimed at all people willing to take advantage of the attractive opportunities the groupoffers but possesing limited funds. Both physical and judicial persons can apply. The interset rates vary according to the type of the fund in which the sum will be invested and the expected profit. The additional financing scheme has the so called leverage effect – the investor gets credit with the aim of increasing his profit rate.
The maximum period for servicing on the additional financing is 3 years. The only security needed is the stock owned by the client (shares/bonds in the mutual funds of Capman Group). The maximum amount of this additional financing is 50% of the market value of the investmnt made by the client in Capman Capital and/or Capman Max.