There were a total of 8,529 transactions on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange during the past week, or an average of 2,843 per day, according to BSE and data.

BSE's weekly turnover for the period 7 - 11 January came to 88.181 mln leva (45.086 mln euros), of which 78.814 mln leva (40.296 mln euros) during regular trade sessions.

Turnover was highest on Monday – 31.977 mln leva (16.350 mln euros), but started to slow down towards the end of the period. The lowest figures were recorded on Thursday – 6.761 mln leva (3.456 mln euros).

As far as the number of transactions is concerned, the figures varied between 1,164 (Monday) and 2,254 (Wednesday).

As you know the first business week for 2008 ended with 3,477 transactions, or an average of 1,159 per day. The first three sessions this year resulted in a turnover of 57.283 mln leva (29.288 mln euros), of which 23.006 mln leva (40.16%) realized during regular trade sessions. The number of deals varied between 812 and 1,363 for that period.

There were 250 trade sessions on BSE last year. 2007 total turnover stood at 9.946 bln leva (5.085 bln euros), or an average of 39.78 mln leva (20.340 mln euros) per day, according to BSE's annual statistics.

The number of transactions last year reached 490,551 (1,962 per day on average), in which a total of 1.11 bln shares (4.443 mln per day) changed hands.