Prague Stock Exchange wants BSE-Sofia’s state share
BSE- Sofia management represented by Viktor Papazov, chairman of the BD and executive director Bistra Ilkova met with the executive director of the Prague Stock Exchange Peter Coblits and the member of the management board Petar Milev.
The representatives of the Prague Stock Exchange are part of a Checz parliamental delegation. Topics of mutual interest regarding the development of capital markets in Central and Eastern Europe were discussed at the meeting.
Prague Stock Exchange representatives expressed their intention to participate in possible future procedures for privatization of the BSE-Sofia AD state share.
They also met with representatives of the Ministry of Finances, of The Financial Supervision Commission and of the Industrial Capital Association.
So far six foreign Exchanges and unions have announced their interest in the state share of BSE and/or in cooperation. These are Deutche Borse, the Scandianvian OMX, the Greek operator Helenic Exchanges, the Viena Stoch Exchange, Borsa Italiana and the Warsaw`Stock Exchange.