Just for the period 2005 – 2006 Alcomet AD –Shoumen successfully completed an EUR 18.6 mln. investment program, shows the company’s annual statement.

With this the company’s total investments in the past six years (2001-2006) become EUR 32.6 mln.

In 2006 the money was spent on new equipment, material assets and services, customs duties, the purchase and acquiring of long-term material assets, the purchase of products of investment value and on repair works on the buildings of the three main workshops.

In 2007 the company is planning to invest another EUR 4 mln. The main aims in the investment program for this year are the completion of the reconstruction of a Casting workshop for over EUR 1.33 mln., the modernizationof rolling costing over EUR 1.74 and other reconstruction works for over EUR 930 000.

For 2006 the net revenues of the company are BGN 215 mln or nearly 74 % more than the previous year ( BGN 123.6 mln)

For the past year Alcomet reported a profit of BGN 4.592 against a loss of BGN 5.783 for the previous year.

A total of 85.2 percent of their production was exported in 2006 while in 2005 this figure was 84%. The production is mainly exported to Germany (32.85%), Italy (17.72%), Poland (9.85%). Greece (6.31%), France (4.62%) and other some countries.

The company expects their average monthly sales in 2007 to reach 4250 tonnes, against 3315 tonnes for 2006 which is an increase of 28%.

Alumetal AD owns 74.80 % of the company and FAF Metal Sanayii ve ticarret- Turkey owns 16.91%.