Donald Trump wants to invest in Romania. The businessman will invest around EUR 1 bln in Romania, Nine o'Clock reports. The American tycoon will sign a protocol of collaboration with the Chamber of Real Estate Trade and the Association of Real Estate Investors.

If everything goes on according to his plans, in the next five years we shall announce Trump office spaces and Trump residential complexes, maybe even Trump hotels.

It is only known that the American wants to call all the projects by his own name. Everybody knows about Donald Trump that he has already built a real estate empire.

Trump Organisation is the biggest player on the market of hotel operators. Through this company, Trump manages luxury hotels such as Trump Palace, Trump International Hotel, Seven Springs Mansion, or Plaza Hotel.

His business boomed when he built several skyscrapers in Manhattan, which he called by his own name. Prior to that moment, Trump made money from any property. First, he turned his holiday houses into profitable affairs.

“Forbes” magazine estimates Donald Trump’s wealth at USD 2.5 bln, rating him 71 in the top richest people in the world. But Trump thinks high, saying that actually his wealth exceeds USD six bln.