Synergon Holding AD-Sofia posted a 1.804 mln leva non-consolidated profit for the first quarter of 2007 compared to 601,000 leva a year ago, the company’s report published by BSE shows.

Total revenues grew to 1 mln leva from 2.392 mln leva chiefly due to interest revenues (1.083 mln leva) and positive differences from financial assets operations and instruments (1.065 mln leva).

Costs increased from 293,000 leva to 531,000 leva.

The company’s core capital is in the amount of 14,123 mln leva and its own stands at 120,96 mln leva as of 31 March.

Synergon Holding increased its capital from 14.123 mln leva to 18.359 mln leva, but the issue is not registered for trade on BSE yet.

1640 shares of Synergon changed hands today at 9.98 leva/share.