The number of investors on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange has reached 3,049 increasing 113 in a month, BSE data made available to showed.

There are no significant changes in the head of the list. Karoll Investment Brokerage remains leader with 775 certificates, followed by Elana Trading and BenchMark Finance with 476 and 473 certificates respectively.

Bulgarian Post Bank, Ug Market and Standard Investments also have more than 100 COBOSs each.

Bora Invest, Capman, SIS and Popularna Kasa 95 also made it in the top 10.

The biggest increase last month was registered in the number of COBOS certificates held by BenchMark and Elana Trading whose clients increased by 35 and 19 respectively, while Karoll and Ug Market added 17 and 6 new investors respectively.

After the changes in the Rules for Registration and Operation with the system on 10 May each investors is only allowed to hold one certificate. “After this date anyone holding more than one certificate will be violating the rules”, BSE-Sofia announced yesterday.