Black Sea Investment REIT to distribute a dividend of 25.13 leva per share
Black Sea Investment REIT has appointed a general meeting of shareholders July 11 to vote allocation of last year's profit, BSE Sofia reported.
According to the proposal 90% of the company's 2006 profit which amounts to 18.15 mln leva will be allocated as dividend, that is 25.13 leva per share.
The final date for transacting the shares of the company as a result of which the holder will be able to exercise their voting rights at the forthcoming General Meeting is June 25, 2007.
Black Sea Investment has recently signed a contract for the purchase of property, that is regulated land property #4 in area 738a in the Sofia city plan, area of Oborishte. The property is on area of 1000 sq m and is situated on Dondukov Blvd and Zname Str, the parcel has no buildings on it.
Blac Sea Investment REIT posted 19 000 leva net profit in 1Q. Its core capital is in the amount of 650 000 leva and its shared capital stands at 20.474 mln leva.
Currently on BSE Sofia a bid is announced at 3.83 leva and there are no asks on the positin.