Mel Invest Holding Sold 9.27% of the Capital of Jerman-Sofia
In a block transaction today Mel Invest Holding transferred 3919 shares or 9.27% of the capital of Jerman Sofia AD at 19.24 leva per share which makes the total value of the deal 75 401.56 leva, BSE Sofia reported.
The stake was bought by Tanyo Tanev who owns 5.2676% of the company's capital according to data provided by the Central Depository. The company's previous owner was Zarno Corporation, Sliven.
At the beginning of May Mel Invest Holding reduced its share in the company to 23.94% after transferring 6146 shares or 14.55% of the capital to Melnichen Complex-Dupnitsa Ltd which currently holds 29.22%.
After today's transactions Mel Invest Holding will control 14.67% and Tanyo Tanev 14.54% ofte capital.
The company's core capital is in the amount of 296 000 leva allocated in 42 258 shares with a face value of 7 leva and its shared capital stands at 2.362 mln leva. The company posted a net loss in the amount of 1000 leva against a loss of 4 000 leva for the respective period last year.
The company's main activites include renting and leasing of real estate properties and movable properties, flour production, purchase and storage of base materials for the production of cereals, as well as transport and trade in the country and broad.
The last transaction involving this company's stock on BSE was made July 26, 2006 at 5 leva.