202,000 Rights of Hydraulic Elements & Systems Traded in 51 Transactions
On their third day of trading 201,543 rights of Hydraulic Elements & Systems AD were traded in 51 transactions worth 171,452.56 leva.
The floor price of the rights today was 0.85 leva/right, and the highest level reached was 1.00 leva/right.
A total of 149 transactions worth 2.009 mln leva have been made since the beginning of trade with the total value of the transactions exceeding 1.708 mln leva.
The company intends to increase its capital from 2.62 mln leva to 3.039 mln leva via the issuance of 419,000 new shares with a face value of 1 lev and issue value of 19.75 leva/each.
Hydraulic Elements & Systems expects to raise 8.148 mln leva from the public offering (after costs).
The issued rights are traded under BSE code R1HES and the ratio between the issued rights and the new shares is 1/0.16.
The auction for the unsold rights will be held on 14 June, and the deadline for subscription of shares from the capital increase is 29 June 2007.
A total of 100 shares of Hydraulic Elements & Systems changed hands today at 26 leva/share down 0.38% from the previous session.