Sofia City Court Registers Corporate Commercial Bank as Public Company
By decision of Sofia City Court dated 30 May 2007 Corporate Commercial Bank AD-Sofia was registered as public company, BSE-Sofia announced.
The court also registered the company’s capital increase from 50 mln leva to 60 mln leva via the issuance of 1 mln new shares each with a face value of 10 leva.
The shares of Corporate Commercial Bank AD-Sofia are to be registered for trade on BSE-Sofia AD.
In May the bank organized an IPO selling 1 mln shares at a price of 58.50 leva/share.
In 2006 CCB AD posted a net profit of 6.544 mln leva or 1.84 leva/share. Net operating revenues totaled 30.938 mln leva last year up from 23.654 mln leva in 2005.
In 2007 total revenues are expected to reach 87 mln leva, while net profit is expected to be in the amount of 21.7 mln leva.