TK Hold (

) will start payment of dividend on 2006 income on 21 September 2007, BSE reports.

At their general meeting held 22 June, shareholders adopted a decision for gross dividend distribution in the amount of 0.10 leva per share on 2006 income (0.093 leva net per share).

TK Hold reported a net non-consolidated profit at 353,000 leva (180,486 euros) in H1, against 688,000 leva (351,768 euros) a year ago.

At the end of June 2007 TK Hold's assets stood at 12.011 mln leva (6.141 mln euros), compared with 11.664 mln leva (5.963 mln euros) a year ago. The holding has investments in 25 subsidiaries, 12 affiliated companies and 8 other enterprises.

Core capital stands at 4.27 mln leva (2.183 mln euros), and own capital is at 9.667 mln leva (4.942 mln euros). 425 shares changed hands today at 4.09 leva and 4.10 leva per share.