In the week of two IPOs three brokers agreed to share their expectations about the next five trading sessions. Here’s what they told

Angel Hadjiiski, Capman investment brokerage

“I expect investors to focus their attention on the fortcoming IPOs this week. I don’t expect any significant change in the market turnover. My forecast is that low trading levels from the past working days will be maintained and bears will prevail over bulls”.

“Sellers’ pressure may get weaker in the middle of the week and the two indexes may restore their positions to levels, close to the current ones”.

Stefan Angelov, Varchev Finance investment brokerage

“The attention of the stock market players this week will be mainly focused on the forthcoming listings of Todorov and mostly Kaolin. The uncertainty about whether the market correction has ended or it still continues will also support a moderate weekly trade, probably with relatively low volumes and without any significant variations of price levels”.

“There’s also the concern that sooner or later an IPO will turn out much more successful than the IPOs registered so far. We can’t fully turn out this development concerning the forthcoming IPOs. It is highly probable that some companies publish their quarterly reports, which of course will affect their current quotations”.

“As a whole I think that the market will remain cautious, which will impact negatively the trading volumes and quotes of the companies with higher liquidity on BSE this week”.

Branislav Ganozov, Favorit AD investment brokerage

“This week investors’ attention will be mainly focused on the forthcoming IPOs. This will hardly be accompanied by any massive sell-offs on BSE aimed at accumulating money. I rather expect low trading levels from the past couple of week to continue.”

“A more serious activity can be expected in the trade of some holding companies and REITs. I don’t think there will be any major changes in the levels of the two indexes”.