10,353 Rights of Hydraulic Elements & Systems Traded in 12 Transactions
A total of 12 transactions with rights of Hydraulic Elements & Systems involving 10,352 rights were made today.
The floor price today was 0.85 leva, and the maximum reached 0.94 leva/right. Turnover on this position reached 8,806.31 leva.
A total of 182 transactions involving 2.055 mln rights have been made since the trade was launched.
The rights will be traded until 5 June, and the auction for the unused rights will take place on 14 June.
The issued rights are traded under BSE code R1HES, and the ratio between the issued rights and the new shares is 1/0.16.
A total of 140 shares were traded today at 25.10 – 15.50 leva/share.