Balkan Zarya Shareholders Approved Capital Increase Using Own Funds
Shareholders in Balkan Zarya AD-Pavlikeni approved a decison for a capital increase from 165,257 leva to 1 322,056 leva using funds from the Reserves Fund and by transformation of part of 2006 profit into capital, BSE Sofia repored.
Thus each shareholder shall receive 7 new shares.
The final date for transacting shares of the company as a result of which the owner will be entiltled to reciving new shares is June 13, 2007.
The General Meeting of Shareholders also decided on amendments within the company's Statute. According to them the Board of Directors may decide to increase the company's capital to no more than 20 mln leva. The authorisation is valid for a term of 5 years after the date of the registration of the amendments with the Commercial Register.
Balkan Zarya posted a net profit in the amount of 98,000 leva in 1Q compared with 276,000 leva a year ago.
60 shares have changed hands so far today at prices between 42.00 and 50.000 which is the highest ever on the position.