As already informed, Holding Patishta sealed three important deals within five days.

The third contract is for road ІІ-35 Troyan-Karnare from km 98+030 to km 103+055; road ІІІ-307 Dermantsi-Ugrachin-Mikre from km 17+000 to km 41+530, BSE informs.

According to the Public Procurement Agency the contact value stands at 13.708 mln leva, 7.008 mln euros (VAT not included), or 16.45 mln leva, 8.410 mln euros, with VAT included.

The company has appointed a general meeting of shareholders on December 11, which is to vote a proposal for a 1:25 split.

This morning shares are traded between 34,000 leva and 35,499 leva.