At a meeting held September 11 the Board of Directors of AD adopted a decision to sell 13,600 company shares, at prices no lower than 15 leva/share.

The company bought back 8,986 of the shares following a decision of the Board of Directors dated 12 July 2005, and 4,614 shares following an approval of the GM dated 30 June 2006.

At 10.33h today a total of 13,600 shares changed hands at 16 leva/share.

The transfer was made on the regulated market on BSE via investment intermediary Karoll.

As we already informed the company has carried out three buy back procedures so far. The buy back procedure for 2006 was completed 31 July 2006 when a total of 30,735 shares were bought at 4.50 leva.

35,980 shares were bought back in 2005 at 2.20 leva each, and 17,900 shares were bought back in 2004 at 4.15 leva.

Bids are currently at 15.81 leva and asks at 16.40 leva.